KINDERGARTEN! We've worked hard this past year to prepare Maryelle for this and the independence that is needed. Praise God she is ready to tackle the job ahead! She attended a special ed 4K class last year with incredible teachers and therapists who helped her make gains. She adjusted well to routine but academically things are more than challenging with her language and developmental age being late 2yr-early 3yrs. She has a great teachers, aids and therapists in place for this year and we look forward to how this will help her grow. We're really striving for language gains.
We're so fortunate for the support that Maryelle has been given to help her develop and push her potential. Here's what the past 10 months have included for M: special 4K, lots of time at the UW speech and hearing clinic [Learning Express preschool AM class (+summer session), 1 to 1 therapy, speech phonology group and socio-dramatic playgroup], Physical Therapy, The Little Gym, individual swim lessons, Gio's Garden therapeutic respite, Summer Preschool at Little Red Preschool and 1-1 Extended School Summer services.
And that's not to mention the doctors who are on Team Maryelle! Medically, M's heart is doing well and shows no need for further surgery- yay! After a head CT scan in January, we learned about a significant birth defect- she is completely missing the inner ear semicircular canals- this is the body's vestibular or balance system. The motion of fluid in these canals is what signals the brain for motion, acceleration and all body positioning. Yikes! This was significant information in helping us understand M and why her balance is so poor. She relies on the feeling of pressure through her feet and her vision (in which one eye is considered blind therefore impacting depth perception.) With such poor nutrition and physical stimulation in China it is no wonder that she had the balance of a toddler when she first came home! It also explains the pottying delays (she didn't have enough balance to sit on toilet) and fear of water (once there's any buoyancy she loses all sense of balance). The doctors and therapists constantly shake their heads in amazement at her physical development and what she is able to do! They call it miraculous, and we agree, but there's lots of work to continue.
Her eyes are holding stable and since having corrective lenses, her good eye has lost it's astigmatism!
Her hearing impairment proves problematic in so many regards. The audiologist explained to us that even with her hearing aids, her hearing is comparable to us listening on a cell phone with poor reception. She misses so much. Parts of words and sentences drop making it even more challenging to gain language. We were hoping to move to a BAHA (bone anchored hearing aid) which would require surgery to implant a titanium screw into the skull and then amplification would transfer from receiver through the bone. But her skull won't be thick enough for this option for a couple of years. So for now, we're moving forward with surgery to correct the shape of her ears so that they're able to hold the hearing aids rather than taping them to her ears which is glitchy and doesn't provide independence for her. She will be unable to wear hearing aids for 8 weeks post surgery, so we are having the ears done separately so that she's not rendered completely deaf during that time. Her right ear is scheduled for December 14, then the left in June.
Aside from all of that 'stuff', M is also growing strong in personality! Not that this has ever been an issue!ha She's funny, sweet, sassy and stubborn, and wanting to be in control of her world- especially her siblings! Yes, this is the typical kid stuff! Snuggling and selfies with her sister and wrestling and Mario Kart with her brothers are her favorites. M experienced field trips (through Gio's Garden and Preschool) for the first time this summer. She was so excited about these new experiences and opened my eyes to the simple things that we pass over.
Boy is this girl loved! The days are often challenging (and tiring), but we're constantly reminded of God's goodness and His love and faithfulness to her -- and us!